Hi friends
Hi friends

Can someone help me.
I'm using the online editor.
I will try to choose and fill select list value data table. When I selected the courage I need to fill another selection with the corresponding value-father and son or one of many-this is not loaded properly.
In the edition form it works well, but in the online option became difficult to update the values of selection.
The code is next:
editor.on( 'preOpen', function () {
$('select', this.node('acSelectFather')).on('change', function () {
if(parseInt($(this).val()) !== -1) {
getCountry($(this).val(), "acSon", editor); //this method update the son select
Thank you very much if anyone can help.
This discussion has been closed.
method can be used to create a dependency on one field from another.Do you mean the "inline option"? Having one field dependent on another while inline editing doesn't really work since only one field can be shown at a time.
If the option is "inline"
I'm trying to load the values of another select in inline mode, but I turned complicated loading.
Like I said, it works in the normal way by opening the form, but in "inline" with me is complicated load that should have the option.
It looks like I found another way to update them, but I need to know how to recognize on the server if the option to upgrade comes from "inline" method
Can you help me on this?
As I say, one field depending on another really doesn't work very well with inline editing since only one field can be editable at a time in Editor's inline editing mode. Sorry.