[BUG] ZeroClipboard_TableTools - zIndex
[BUG] ZeroClipboard_TableTools - zIndex

In buttons.flash.js line 131 you put var zIndex = 99;
This result as var d=99;
in minified version.
The problem is when you use button group like this :
buttons: [{
extend: "collection",
text: "Outils",
buttons: [{
extend: "print",
text: "Imprimer",
exportOptions: {
columns: ":visible"
}, {
extend: "pdf",
text: "Créé un PDF",
exportOptions: {
columns: ":visible"
}, {
extend: "excel",
text: "Créé un fichier Excel",
exportOptions: {
columns: ":visible"
}, {
extend: "copy",
text: "Copier",
exportOptions: {
columns: ":visible"
fade: !0
}, {
extend: "colvis",
text: "Afficher / Masquer des colonnes"
An invisible div is in front of the first button.
This discussion has been closed.
Can you give a link to a page showing the issue please? For example I need to know if you are using Bootstrap styling or something else. Being able to look at the rest of the CSS would also be required.
Thank you,