Group/Filer with Buttons

Group/Filer with Buttons

cklaslancklaslan Posts: 2Questions: 2Answers: 0

I would love to duplicate the group feature of this page
The entire datatable is presented at first but multiple buttons can be pressed/unpressed to show/hide mutilple row groups. How can this be duplicated?


  • ThomDThomD Posts: 334Questions: 11Answers: 43

    Not too hard to do. You need an onClick or onChange event that fires a call to DT's filter.

    I have a page with a radio button, so in addition to the radio button HTML, I have this.


    later on the page I have this

    function FilterData(){
       var valSelected = $("input[name='year']:checked").val();

    Columns are zero based indexed, so my 4th column is the year I am filtering by.

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