jquery ui theme for datatables NOT comply with jquery ui
jquery ui theme for datatables NOT comply with jquery ui

I'm now using JQuery 1.11.3, JQuery UI 1.11.4 and datatabals 1.10.9 with jquery ui style.And the Jquery UI theme I'm using is the drak-hive theme from the standard themes, and I update the background color as #515151 to make the web page as native android look like.
The files I'm using is from the datatables download builder with the up selections and add them in the web page file of HTML5.
The Problem is that I need to change the table font color to white manually because the jquery ui style is not work with dark-dive theme, and I can't find the way to modify the font size of toolbar with page number setting and search input. also, paginator also show black font in black backgroud.
So, My Question is how jquery ui style work with standard theme provide by jquery ui such as dark-hive theme? How to modify the CSS for toolbar and paginator which are manually added by datatables?
Thanks for pointing this out. I've just committed a fix for the issue and this will be in the next release of DataTables which should be out very soon.
Thanks for your support and work!
I don't know any scss in your fix.
So, Can you send me a update version of datatTables.jqueryui.css? And, I can try it and feedback you the result. My email is: liuyahui@sina.com
It is available in the nightly.