Anyone got issues with built-in Buttons extensions not displaying/working in JavaFX ?

Anyone got issues with built-in Buttons extensions not displaying/working in JavaFX ?

gazroogazroo Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0


I am developing a web app which fetches JSON from my server, displays it in a DataTable, then gives options to print/excel/csv/pdf using the built-in DataTables Buttons extensions.

This needs to work both (a) in a standalone browser and (b) also from my Java Swing application which embeds a JavaFX browser (JDK version 8u45).

Option (a) works fine in all respects.

Option (b), apart from slight CSS layout inconsistencies, has bigger issues in that the csv, excel and pdf buttons don't display at all, and the print button, whilst initially active, doesn't pop up the usual sort of browser printer dialog to select a printer.

I'm in no way suggesting that DataTables is at fault here. Its far more likely that JavaFX isn't coping for some reason, but debugging JS issues in JavaFX is not the easiest thing in the world ! I'm simply trying to see if anyone else has similar problems and whether/how they've overcome them.

Any help/tips/pointers/snippets would be greatly appreciated - but please avoid suggestions such as "re-write your Swing app as a pure web app" !


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