How to add a row id when manually adding a row
How to add a row id when manually adding a row

I'm making an application that requires authorized, pre-processed, post-processed api requests. The "auto add row id with ajax" is completely useless. Is there any way to add an id to the row when adding a row using the table.row.add api? This seems like a very simple, basic, and essential functional. I mean, how hard could it be to have functionality like this?
I've wasted over an hour digging through documentation, searching the internets, and trying innumerable combinations of hacks, and it seems impossible to accomplish. The whole 4 thousand unanswered questions gives me no hope at all; perhaps the devs will eventually get around to reading this question. If not, I'll open an issue on github, because this is retarded.
I found this, but it does not apply to my question.
To restate: is it even possible to manually specify the row id when using the row.add api? If so, how? This is intensely frustrating. The only way around it I've found is to add a child element of a column, then find the row by going up through the parent nodes, which is an absolutely stupid way to do things in a table.
Edit: I found this SE post, but it sadly still requires a child of a td to have the proper id in order to properly set the row id. Better than traversing a node tree in reverse, but not by much.