No data on initial Load

No data on initial Load

michaelk46michaelk46 Posts: 7Questions: 3Answers: 1
edited November 2015 in Free community support

I have a search page where nothing should be loaded when the page first loads and then when the user hits the search button, then it loads whatever data required. So on initial page load it should show the headings and display the no records found message. Currently, the page loads a dataset based on the initial value of the data fields on the page.

I can accomplish this by using
deferRender , the only problem with that is every time a search is done, nothing is shown regardless of whether or not there are records for the search. Besides after looking through the documentation, I don't think that was the intended use of the option.

Does someone know how to accomplish what I am trying to do? i was thinking I could enable / disable it through the api, but haven't been able to find the the correct setting to alter.

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