A new DataTabler - reduced support levels for a short while
A new DataTabler - reduced support levels for a short while

Hello all,
I'm delighted to say that our little family has grown with the addition of a little boy, born on Sunday morning. He's not coding yet, but we'll get him going on building the software first and then moved on to fixing some outstanding issues soon :-).
As a result might support responses over the next week or two might be somewhat slower that we've all come to expect - they might also be at random times (3am, etc), but I will be continuing to offer support for my products in the following priority order (and in reverse chronological order - i.e. older first):
- Priority support
- Editor license holders
- Free community support
Another chapter in my own personal life, and thus by extension in DataTables - exciting times for my family and also my future plans for DataTables and its suite of supporting software, more on which soon in the blog.
Best regards to all,
Thats awesome man!! Im happy for ya.
Ill help in the forums as much as i can yo take some off of your shoulders, as long as you eventually look at any i may have unanswered, lol.
Happy for ya! Should poat a pic of your new fam! Lol
On behalf of everyone here on the forums, congrats Allan!!! Very happy to hear that we have a brand new datatabler!
I'm happy for you, Allan. Congratulations.
Congratulations. Hope you have a great time.
Great News !
All the best
Congrats Allan, I'm happy for you. Enjoy !!!
Thank you all :-)
Great news Allan..
I was just about to email you to ask you if you had anything new coming along.
Congratulations Allan!
Pure happiness for you, congratulation !!