Is there a way to specifiy a column not to be affected in a table

Is there a way to specifiy a column not to be affected in a table

WollesenWollesen Posts: 3Questions: 2Answers: 0

Hey there.

I am building a table to show shifts in a period of time that the user specify.
Now, say i want to apply a way to attach an event to all cells from the 2. column and onward but not the first, as that will contain names, is there aclever way to do that?

From what i have gathered, I am able to specify a target column at a certain index and do work on that.
I could save how many columns would be generated and run through them from column-1 to column-n and do work there, but it would be alot easier if there was a way to specify >0 columns should be done work on.

Thanks in advance


  • WollesenWollesen Posts: 3Questions: 2Answers: 0
    edited November 2015

    Figured it out, you can use

     "columnDefs": [ {
        "targets": "_all",
        "createdCell": function (td, cellData, rowData, row, col) {


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