Data loading problem when columns are like,, t.label. But json is correct.
Data loading problem when columns are like,, t.label. But json is correct.

I'm having problem loading data. I've run the DataTables debugger and the six char code is this: upeloh
The website on which I've the problem is not available online at this time, so I cannot provide a link to it. And since it does load data from the same server I don't know how to I can use DataTables live of JS Fiddle for this.
Anyway, here is the table configuration:
$('#cms_module_table').DataTable( {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": "",
"columns": [{"data":""},{"data":"e.translatable"},{"data":"t.label"},{"data":""}]
} );
And here is some of the data returned by the server:
"data": [{
"": "\u003Cinput type=\u0022text\u0022 data-name=\\u0022 data-module=\u0022cms_module\u0022 maxlenght=\u002264\u0022 value=\u0022cms_action\u0022\u003E",
"e.translatable": "\u003Cinput type=\u0022text\u0022 data-name=\\u0022 data-module=\u0022cms_module\u0022 maxlenght=\u002264\u0022 value=\u0022cms_action\u0022\u003E",
"t.label": "\u003Cinput type=\u0022text\u0022 data-name=\u0022t.label\u0022 data-module=\u0022cms_module\u0022 maxlenght=\u002264\u0022 value=\u0022Operazioni\u0022\u003E",
"": 7
}, {
"": "\u003Cinput type=\u0022text\u0022 data-name=\\u0022 data-module=\u0022cms_module\u0022 maxlenght=\u002264\u0022 value=\u0022cms_module\u0022\u003E",
"e.translatable": "\u003Cinput type=\u0022text\u0022 data-name=\\u0022 data-module=\u0022cms_module\u0022 maxlenght=\u002264\u0022 value=\u0022cms_module\u0022\u003E",
"t.label": "\u003Cinput type=\u0022text\u0022 data-name=\u0022t.label\u0022 data-module=\u0022cms_module\u0022 maxlenght=\u002264\u0022 value=\u0022Modulo\u0022\u003E",
"": 1
Please, ask any detail that could help.
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