Datatable columns to drag and drop as we do in excel.
Datatable columns to drag and drop as we do in excel.

Hi Allan,
i'm looking for somthing like we can expand and collapse on column's in Excel to view content when larger in size , to provide that facility on Datatable. I have datatable with 16 cols and few cols have large data. i want to show cols for 25 chars, and give an option to expand on cols if more than 25. I tried using Kiketables but looks like it doesnt support cols expand with horizontal scroll.
My datatable has horizontal scroll and i want to expand cols manually when user want to do. Please let me know how to do that.
I wrote an ellipsis plug-in for DataTables some time ago which will do what you are looking for.
I'm going to write a blog post about how to use it next week (although there are documentation comments int he file for you to follow if you want to use it just now).
Thanks for the reply Allan. But ellipsis shows complete data only on mouse hover in tooltip. but Im looking for somthing like excel where user can see complete data in col when expanded/dragged manully within the cells in datatable. is it possible to add a small button on large cols(having more then 25 charcs) , when clicked on button expand full column to show its complete data. And when clicked again bring col to its original width.
I see - thanks for the clarification. Unfortunately there isn't an extensions for DataTables that does what you are looking for at this time (at least not that I'm aware of).