How to remove gray background from the datatable checkbox in IE

How to remove gray background from the datatable checkbox in IE

archsivaarchsiva Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

Hi All, I got an strange issue in my app. I am using datatable to show the user details with checkbox and other form elements. I have addCheckboxlistner function to check and uncheck the checkboxes. Inside the addCheckboxlistner function I am calling oTable.fnStandingRedraw(); method. everything is working fine and I am getting the checkbox values for further operation, but the issue is I am getting gray background when I focus and uncheck the checkbox in IE. Particularly when I do this for individual rows. If I use check all checkbox I am not getting this issue. I was checking this issue for 3+ days and fed-up. Could anyone please help me on this??

function is below, and I am calling addCheckboxListener under "fnInitComplete": function () {

function addCheckboxListener(){ $('tbody').on('click', 'input:checkbox', function(){ oTable.fnStandingRedraw(); }); }

for check all / uncheck all function I am calling this way.

$('#checkall').click( function() { $('input:not(:disabled)', oTable.fnGetDisplayNodes()).prop('checked',this.checked); oTable.fnStandingRedraw(); });

function unCheckAll(){ $('input:checkbox:not(:disabled)').prop('checked',false); oTable.fnStandingRedraw(); }


  • archsivaarchsiva Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

    I dont know, what is causing this issue. I checked all the css and even I removed all the css and tried. I tried fix this issue by giving the IE specific hack CSS. but no luck. :(

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