How Can i Print PDF for the Selected row After Complete my search ?

How Can i Print PDF for the Selected row After Complete my search ?

FelishanandFelishanand Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

while i am enter the Search , My Searched output Displayed , So I need to Take Only Current Data on my Datatable ,Kinldy Help, If u can't understand my question tel me
Here is my Coding:

$(document).ready(function () { var table = $('#mytable').dataTable(); var tableTools = new $.fn.dataTable.TableTools(table, { 'sSwfPath': '//', "sRowSelect": "multi", 'aButtons': [ 'SingleRow', { 'sRowSelect': "single", }, 'select_all', { 'select_all': "Select all Items" }, "select_none", { 'select_none': "select_none" }, 'copy', { 'sExtends': 'print', 'bShowAll': false }, 'csv', { 'sExtends': 'xls', 'sFileName': 'Data.xls', 'sButtonText':'Save to Excel' }, { 'sExtends': 'pdf', 'bFooter': false } ] }); $(tableTools.fnContainer()).insertBefore('#mytable_wrapper'); });
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