DataTables 1.10.10 - I can't get it to load
DataTables 1.10.10 - I can't get it to load

I've tried downloading it a few times , with and without extra bits, but I always get this error from Chrome
dataTables.js:3 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
I get a similar error in Firefox. I've looked in the files and I can't see anything untoward. The datatables.js file does not preview properly in Chrome developer tools, but it does definitely download ok.
If any one has any ideas I'd be very grateful.
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Could you give a link to the page that you are having this problem with so I can debug it please.
Hi Allan, that's very kind, unfortunately it a private database so I cannot give you access. I could setup a non-sensitive page and share my screen with you - would that work for you?
Hi Allan, I have set up a test page in our public area - is there a private way I can pass the url to you please? Thanks, Rich
Click my name above and then the "Send message" button.
Hi Allan, one of my colleagues has resolved this, apparently a permissions issue. Thanks for your help.