Responsive Bidirectional Parent/Child field data binding?
Responsive Bidirectional Parent/Child field data binding?

Hello all,
I am using datatables for a table that has radio buttons, text areas and text inputs. One problem I am having though is that when I crush the browser down and get the + button, the input field within that expanded menu is empty. Now I know they are separate fields but thought there would at least be an option to ensure that if I edited the parent, the child would be updated and vice versa. Is this possible or has someone figured out a good solid work around for it?
If you edit the parent you need to update the child (i.e. re-render it). There is no built in option for that I'm afraid.
Currently that works fine as I found a workaround but what about editing the child to the parent? Is there an easy way to achieve this?
You'd need to use the API to update the table's data. That will update the row as normal.