Sorting filtered data
Sorting filtered data

Is it possible to sort the newly filtered data? For example, if I have 100 records and on the search box I begin typing a key word and my results are now filtered down to 25 records; is it possible to apply a sort on the 25 records based on a condition?
In my use-case I have a hidden column with a numeric value I need to sort the results based on.
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If you use the orderData feature, you can sort any column based upon another column.
From a user perspective, I hope that you don't mean you want to change the sorting condition because a filter was applied. The sorting method should be persistent before and after the sort (that is, the sort order should not change because I entered a filter value).
Ordering in DataTables will always be performed on all rows in the table - not just the filtered sub-set. However, isn't the end result the same for the end user? Regardless of filtering the ordering will be the same (I presume, and as glenderson indicates).