DateTimepicker not triggered on next page Datatable
DateTimepicker not triggered on next page Datatable

Good day Experts.
Forgive me If I haven't replicated my issue in fiddle as I dont know how to incorporate bootstrap datetimepicker and datatable there. But I have screenshot in StackOverflow where I posted this same question but did not get an answer.
Here is the link:
Any suggestions to solve this issue are much appreciated.
Thank you very much.
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What exactly are you selecting to trigger the dialog to begin with? The "edit" link? Or something else? If the edit link, how are you creating that event listener? I remember years ago that we needed to reassert the "on" events if they were tied directly to the class of the "edit" link if deferRendered or Server Side. So we broke that relationship and instead tied the "on" event to the table and class of the cell with a span so they don't get "lost" when a page refreshes.
Something like
Your "edit" and "delete" would need to be something like
<span class="editlink">Edit</span>
<span class="deletelink">Delete</span>
I would have also added a row ID or data-attribute for unique id's so I could then pull them from the on event