Disable sorting for specific rows
Disable sorting for specific rows

I needed the last row to not be sortable, so I found this post https://datatables.net/forums/discussion/comment/33971/#Comment_33971
It doesn't work anymore because of the new api. If somebody still needs this, in order to work you need to change the "//DATATABLE INITIALIZATION CODE" in:
jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.afnSortData['dom-text'] = function ( oSettings, iColumn ) {
var aData = [];
this.api().column( iColumn, {order:'index'} ).nodes().map( function ( td, col ) {
var cid = $(td).attr('id');
var val = $(td).html();
if (cid == "sortfalse") {
aData.push( "sortfalse" );
} else {
aData.push( val );
} );
return aData;
That topic is closed so i couldn't add it there. It is ok if somebody could delete my post and just add it at the end of that discussion.