Jinja and DataTable refresh locally

Jinja and DataTable refresh locally

AndersChrAndersChr Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I am using jinja to parse data to my page table. This is done every few seconds. Basically a table of the following form is generated (25-50 rows)¨

Date Number
Today 100
Tomorrow 1050

This is all running locally ("file://"), hence I cant just use ajax.reload(). In this case a simple page reload is not possible either.

Therefore I have been looking into the invalidate functionality to redraw my datatable every few second, based on the new data in table.
However I cant get this to work. This is my preliminary code:

$(document).ready(function() {

// Initialize table
var oTable = $("#dataSet").DataTable({
    paging: false,
    bFilter: false,
    bInfo: false,
    ordering:  false

// Redraw table every second
setInterval( function () {
}, 10000 );

} );

I can see the new data in html-file, however I cant get the datatable to redraw based on this new data?

Can someone please explain why this is not working? Any hints or suggestions will be much appreciated!

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