Display style compatability
Display style compatability

I intend to use datatables for a somewhat complex projet which will require on click sorting and frequent data refreshes via ajax.
One of the features I need is a circular percent bar in every cell in a specific column.
I intend to do this by having 4 absolutely positioned divs in these cells located in the same place.
The one at the bottom will be a coloured circle, the next one up will be a smaller white circle so that only the rim of the coloured circle is ever visible. the other 2 will be masks for the left and right side of the circle which will rotate around to show the correct amount of the coloured circle.
If necessary I will have a 5th div which will show the value of the cell (since the effect i am producing will cover the cell)
My questions is are as follows
Will doing this interfear with any of datatables sort and filter functions?
Will doing this interfear with any of datatables display based functions?
Does datatables have its own way of producing this effect?
I don't believe so. DataTables will strip out HTML for filtering and sorting, so you may want to look at orthogonal data if you want to do sorting and / or filtering on that column.
I don't think so.