DataTable as a drilldown of a parent DataTable
DataTable as a drilldown of a parent DataTable

We use drilldown for a DataTable using the row().child() API Since: DataTables 1.10.
The new JSON data shown in the tr child opened comes form the server using ajax and We use a new DateTable We create.
All goes very Well, but only a starge thing on combobox for number of rows and for the input textbox for search.
And even the combo for number of rows per page do not expand.
This combo and textinput cannot be selected with the mouse. But it can be focused and selected ok if We use TAB key and then ENTER and the combo expand ok.
All the tools like pagination number goes very well.
But the combo and text input in the PARENT table (no drilldow table) goes very well using the mouse.
Please anyone knows anything about this?
Thank you in advance
Following the track We have gone right to the place where should be the problem.
It is in the jquery.dataTables.js file on the lines where keypress.DT events are binded to the combo and textinput.
In this functions:
This one manages the combo for change number of entries
function _fnFeatureHtmlLength ( settings ) {...}
This one manages the input text for searching
function _fnFeatureHtmlFilter ( settings ) {....}
Dont know how force Mouse event click coud be something like adding :
Please how can We force in javascript a trigger like an ENTER when user do a click
Because we have just the function where we can add anything for the problem but do not know what can we add.