json binding to database

json binding to database

bijupranavambijupranavam Posts: 3Questions: 2Answers: 0

my json output looks like below one. I want to bind the "ItemName":"Guest Room

rate","LastUpdatedDate":"01-12-2016" fields to a datatable. Kindly help I am new to jquery

[{"ImportItemMasterId":0,"ItemName":"Guest Room


{"ImportItemMasterId":0,"ItemName":"Guest Room



  • SreejeshSreejesh Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0
    edited January 2016

    Please use dynamic binding

  • bijupranavambijupranavam Posts: 3Questions: 2Answers: 0
    edited January 2016


    My json output

    [{"ImportItemMasterId":0,"ItemName":"Guest Room


    {"ImportItemMasterId":0,"ItemName":"Guest Room


    my code snippet is like


                url: 'DataImportAjax.aspx?Tablename=DataImportUploadedDetails&hotelId=' + $('#ddlHotel').val(),
                datatype: 'json',
                mtype: 'GET',
                cache: false,
                async: true,
                complete: function (jsondata, stat) {
                    if (stat == 'success') {
                            data: jsondata.responseText,
                            columns: [
                                { title: "ImportItemMasterId" },
                                { title: "ItemName" },
                                { title: "ProtocolID" },
                                { title: "ItemTypeName" },
                                { title: "ItemID" },
                                { title: "LastUpdatedDate" }

    got this error !!!!!

    DataTables warning: table id=sample - Requested unknown parameter '1' for row 0, column 1. For more information about this error, please see http://datatables.net/tn/4

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