Buttons ExcelHtml5 error when columns contains comma
Buttons ExcelHtml5 error when columns contains comma

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Thanks and regards,
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Thanks and regards,
We have a column which contains comma in-between, when we do the export as excel using new buttons.js, the generated excel sheet cannot be opened, it gives a error " Illegal qualified name character. Line 1, column 1664" attached below
I tried list of options:
2) tried fieldBoundry - did not fix it.
please help to fix this problem.
As this is my first post, please let me know, if you need anything else.
Thanks and regards, Uma
There is no
for theexcelHtml5
button type.Can you try using the nightly version of Buttons please. If that doesn't work, then please l ink to a test case showing the issue, as per the forum rules.