What do i have to do to make "details.drop" equals true in colReorder plugin?
What do i have to do to make "details.drop" equals true in colReorder plugin?

My name is Gabriel. i will explain my problem.
i tried a lot of things, but this property always arrive with 'False'.
this is the documentation for the event.
i just want to save the order of the columns (part of my code), when the reorder is finished.
for now i just save when 1.5 seconds has passed. after the last "column-reorder.dt" event is triggered.
This is my code:
var timerMovementColumns;
$("#trList").on("column-reorder.dt", function ( e, settings, details ) {
timerMovementColumns= setTimeout( function () {
}, 1500 );
but i really want to save when the drop is finished.
Any suggestion?
By the way the library and the plugins are great, thanks you guys!
Sorry for my bad english. i hope you can understand the question.
I'm Chilean. viva chile mierda!
Dear friends, finally i could get details.drop equals TRUE.
i have to initialize DataTables with
realtime : false
like this:so now i'm saving like this:
Now when is reordering columns the list doesn't move on realtime, it moves when you finished moving the columns (release the click button), but i can live with that. ha ha ha
I hope this help other users.
Thank you.