Accessibility in Datatable not working
Accessibility in Datatable not working

First, I'm sorry about my English, I'm French and I'm not so good in English ...
I'm working on an application using Datatable with the aim to make it accessible (with screen readers).
I choose Datatable when I saw that it was presented as Accessible but when I try it, I have some problems :
The aria-label properties (allowing to add an alternative text) are not read by the screen reader (I use NVDA). When I use Tab key, the alternative text is read but when I use top/down arrows (witch users are mostly using), the text is not read and only the display text is. (But when I see the rendering html code, the aria-label are presents).
Moreover, when I try to add some aria-label in some objects (example : the link in the pagination, to say "Page 1" instead of only "1"), the text in not reading either.
I'm sure about the way to add this properties because I use it in other part of the page, but the problem is only in the Datatable. I then conclude it as an incompatibility but I'm not able to find witch one ...
Has someone an idea ?
Thanks in advance !
EDIT : I forgot to talk about one other problem : when I'm on the header and that I'm pressing Enter to sort a column, then, I can't use arrows anymore. Pressing arrows is now scrolling the page to the top/bottom. The same if I use once tab and then use arrows ...