Serverside-Processing Parameter Names

Serverside-Processing Parameter Names

PhilippPhilipp Posts: 4Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited November 2010 in General
Hi there

Longtime DataTables User. But in the past few weeks, we use more and more complex table-structures. so the DOM-Filtering gets very slow.

Now i wanted to start with server-side scripting. we are using some very special kind of web-application (based on java/jsp) with integrated jquery/datatables.
But this application doesn't accept the parameter names, for example "iDisplayStart". The Parameter-Name should be something like "Temp$iDisplayStart".

Is there an easy way to change those parameter-names?




  • rdahlrdahl Posts: 12Questions: 0Answers: 0
    The best way to do this is on the server side if you can, but you can overide the parameters sent using the fnServerData callback, you would just need to push the key:value pairs you want onto the aoData variable, but realize that some of the default aoData variables are expected to be returned, e.g. sEcho, and I assume datatables needs other ones returned to properly work, e.g. iDisplayLength.
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