JSON data error
JSON data error

so i am getting a invalid json response from the following, i cant seem to find the issue....
from the document loading:
var table = $('#table_id').DataTable({
scrollY: 500,
paging: false,
select: {
style: 'single'
"sAjaxDataProp": "",
"ajax": "php/admin/loadOverview.php",
{"mData": "Date"},
{"mData": "JobNumber"},
{"mData": "TotalSpend"},
{"mData": "Product"},
{"mData": "Vendor"},
{"mData": "PaymentMethod"},
{"mData": "NetSale"},
{"mData": "Profit"},
{"mData": "RIO"}
the table itself:
<div class="tableContainer">
<table id="table_id" class="display" style="table-layout:fixed" >
<th>Job Number</th>
<th>Total Spend</th>
<th>Payment Method</th>
<th>Net Sale</th>
<!--<th>Transfer Date</th>-->
<span id="tableContent"></span>
the json response script:
include '../connect.php';
$json_response = array();
$purchases = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Purchasing`");
if(mysql_num_rows($purchases) > 0 ){
$row_array['Date'] = $purch['PurchaseDate'];
$row_array['JobNumber'] = $purch['JobNumber'];
$expense_qur = "SELECT * FROM `Expenses` WHERE `JobNumber`='".$purch['JobNumber']."' ORDER BY `id` ";
$expense_res = mysql_query($expense_qur);
$TotalExpenses = 0;
if(mysql_num_rows($expense_res) > 0){
while($exp = mysql_fetch_array($expense_res)){
$TotalExpenses += $exp['Cost'];
$row_array['TotalSpend'] = strval($purch['PaymentAmount']+$TotalExpenses);
$row_array['Product'] = $purch['Product'];
$vendor_res = mysql_query("SELECT `Name` FROM `Contacts` WHERE `id` = '".$purch['Vendor']."'");
$vendor_row = mysql_fetch_row($vendor_res);
$row_array['Vendor'] = $vendor_row[0];
$row_array['PaymentMethod'] = $purch['PaymentMethod'];
$netSale = 0;
$sale_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `SalesData`");
if(mysql_num_rows($sale_res) > 0){
while($sale = mysql_fetch_array($sale_res)){
$itemId = $sale['ItemId'];
$itemInfo_qur = "SELECT * FROM `Inventory` WHERE `id` = '$itemId' ";
$itemInfo_res = mysql_query($itemInfo_qur);
$item = mysql_fetch_array($itemInfo_res);
if($item['JobNumber'] == $purch['JobNumber']){
$netSale += $sale['Price']*$sale['Qty'];
$row_array['NetSale'] = strval($netSale);
$row_array['Profit'] = strval($row_array['NetSale'] - $row_array['TotalSpend']);
$row_array['RIO'] = strval(( $netSale/$row_array['TotalSpend']) - 1);
//$row_array['TransferDate'] = strval("00/00/0000");
echo json_encode($json_response);
Formatted JSON Data ( it says its a valid response on JSON checker sites)
"Product":"Job 0",
"Product":"Cisco Switches, phones and servers",
"Vendor":"Gordon and Rees ",
appreciate all the help i can get
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
the response including a PHP warning!
Warning: Division by zero in php/admin/loadOverview.php on line 51
[{"Date":"0001-01-01","JobNumber":"0001","TotalSpend":"0","Product":"Job 0","Vendor":"CXTEC","PaymentMethod":"Other","NetSale":"1079","Profit":"1079","RIO":"-1"},{"Date":"2016-01-28","JobNumber":"1001","TotalSpend":"8421","Product":"Cisco Switches, phones and servers","Vendor":"Gordon and Rees ","PaymentMethod":"Check","NetSale":"5501","Profit":"-2920","RIO":"-0.346752167201"}]