why does It takes too much time to convert data into datatable form?

why does It takes too much time to convert data into datatable form?

amitccetamitccet Posts: 10Questions: 2Answers: 0

Hi All,

I have near about 2500 data.
Below are the steps, I am performing..
--> User clicks on the Menu, and it goes to the controller and get all data in the list.
---> List having near about 2500 rows data.
----> From controller, it comes into the UI Page.

Now the problem is, when the user comes, he needs to wait for some time, till all the CSS & Data Table gets formed correctly,

It is frustrating for the end user. Not sure how to solve this.

I can't attach any image in the forums because of that, I wan't able to share how my screen looks initially.

Can some one please help asap ?



  • amitccetamitccet Posts: 10Questions: 2Answers: 0

    Just to add more, I am adding code,

    I am getting list from the server side controller, which I want to display in the page.

    Below HTML Code.

    <table id="d_gu_grid" class="display" cellspacing="0"
        class="gridMargin" >
                <th>Phone no</th>
                <th>Phone no</th>
                <c:when test="${not empty UserList}">
                    <c:forEach var="user"
                            <td>${user.name }</td>
                            <td>${user.city }</td>
                            <td>${user.state }</td>
                            <td>${user.phone }</td>
                            <td>${user.address }</td>
                        <td colspan="5"><b>No Users were found</b></td>

    Below Javascript code, I am using..

    <script type="text/javascript"> $(document) .ready( function() { // Setup - add a text input to each footer cell $('#d_gu_grid tfoot th') .each( function() { var title = $(this).text(); $(this) .html( '<input type="text" placeholder="Search '+title+'" />'); }); // DataTable var table = $('#d_gu_grid').DataTable({ "columnDefs" : [{ className : "columnwidthAttrName", "targets" : [ 0 ] },{ className : "columnwidthRegistryId", "targets" : [ 1 ] },{ className : "columnwidthDesc", "targets" : [ 2 ] },{ className : "columnwidthSubjectArea", "targets" : [ 3 ] }, { className : "columnwidthStatus", "targets" : [ 4 ] } ], "pagingType" : "full" }); // Apply the search table .columns() .every( function() { var that = this; $('input', this.footer()) .on( 'keyup change', function() { if (that .search() !== this.value) { that .search( this.value) .draw(); } }); }); }); </script>
  • amitccetamitccet Posts: 10Questions: 2Answers: 0

    Can someone please help me out on this issue ?

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