[Solved] Refresh modifications on data or on table

[Solved] Refresh modifications on data or on table

harkorharkor Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited March 2016 in Free community support


I use DataTables to manage "starred" element.

I construct in PHP the table and after I call DataTables.

In my table, I have a column with a button on each lines for "starring" and if the line is starred, I display another button for remove this one.

I have an invisible column with "0" or "1" to filter only element has "starred" or not.

I have a filter for display only starred elements or not. The filter works fine.


If I change the state of the line (not starred => starred) I change the invisible column from "0" to "1" but if I check with my checkbox filter, the new element was not recognized by DataTables.

For example I made the change in myTable.data()[0][3] = "1"; If I make a draw() after that, I have the same problem.

My only solution : I need to destroy DataTables and recreate one but if I do that I lost the current page and filter.

I don't know if my english is ok. Please be indulgent.


  • harkorharkor Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0
    edited March 2016

    I modified my script to use ajax.url & ajax.dataSrc for use after myTable.reload and with that, that's work.

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