Can't load data from php

Can't load data from php

josegusjosegus Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

I'm using dataTable 1.10.

I'm trying to load the data with ajax and php, but i get the alert: "invalid JSON response".

I've paste the code i get from ajax on json.lint and is this:

"data": [{
"nombreCliente": "Juan Perez",
"nit": "78945641",
"ci": "558888"

Even with the values "draw", "recordsTotal" and "recordsFiltered" in top of the json result I still getting the same alert error.

My script code:

var table = $('#dataTables-example').DataTable( {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax" : "obtener_clientes.php",
"columns": [
{ "data": "nombreCliente" },
{ "data": "nit" },
{ "data": "ci" }
} );


I have no idea what's wrong whit this.


  • loloskiloloski Posts: 46Questions: 5Answers: 1

    try this on your php script

    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    print json_encode($json_data);

    without the header the content type probably was set to text/html

    use live HTTP requester if you use firefox to check the proper header sent by your server side scripting language

  • josegusjosegus Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

    loloski, thanks for answer. Json.lint says my json code is ok, I tried what you suggets but I still getting the same alert error "Datatables warning: table id=table JSON invalid response"

    I will try another version of datatable

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