Why table.row.add didn't work in my codes?

Why table.row.add didn't work in my codes?

mayweimaywei Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

function getDetail(o, index) {
var tr = $(o).closest('tr');
var row = sumTable.row(tr);

    if (row.child.isShown()) {
        // This row is already open - close it
    else {
        var detail = $('<input type="button" value="Add" class="addRowButton"/><table class="subtable" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="border-style:none;width:100%"><thead><tr class="gridStyle"> <th></th> <th style="width:420px">开票时间</th> <th style="width:200px">公司</th><th style="width:239px">金额</th><th style="width:200px">税额</th><th><input type="checkbox" class="allCheck" /></th></tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table>');

        var keydate = row.data()[0];
        var data = null;
        var tableData =$(detail[1]).DataTable({
            bProcessing: true,
            bServerSide: true,
            iDisplayLength: 5,
            searching: false,
            bLengthChange: false,
            sAjaxSource: "/Home/getPagingData?date=" + keydate,
            columns: [
             { data: "ID"},
                 title: "开票时间", data: "InvoiceDate"                    
             { title: "公司名称", data: "SellCompanyCode" },
                 title: "金额",
                 data: "Amount", mRender: function (data, type, row) {
                     var t = "'gTotalAmount_" + index + "'";
                     return '<input type="text" onchange="sendAmountChangedToTotalSum(this,' + t + ')"      name="' + data + '" value="' + data + '"/>'

                 title: "税额",
                 data: "TaxAmount", mRender: function (data, type, row) {
                     var t = "'gTotalTaxAmount_" + index + "'";
                     return '<input type="text"  name="' + data + '" onchange="sendAmountChangedToTotalSum(this,' + t + ')" value="' + data + '"/>'

                   title: "<input type='checkbox' class='allCheck' />",
                   data: null,
                   defaultContent: "<input type='checkbox' name='check' />",

        //event bind
        $(detail[0]).on("click",function () {
         var newRow=   tableData.row.add({ "ID": "1", "InvoiceDate": "", "SellCompanyCode": "", "Amount": "0", "TaxAmount":"0" }).draw();
       //it doesn't work


  • mayweimaywei Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

    Is it because I use service-side paging?

  • allanallan Posts: 63,180Questions: 1Answers: 10,411 Site admin

    Yes. row.add() is irrelevant with server-side processing enabled since you'd be adding data on the client-side, but the data store and model is on the server-side.


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