Is there a way to get all of the data of a column when using pagination and server-side processing
Is there a way to get all of the data of a column when using pagination and server-side processing
I am utilizing server-side processing and doing pagination in my php script, and then pass the data back to the client through my ajax call. This all works great, however when I attempt and get the entire data set for a column it only provides the data visible on that page due to the query limit for the pagination. Is there a way to be able to by pass this and get all of the data for the column for all total records? I realize with the server-side processing since my query is using a limit I need to be able to query on all data and then somehow pass that as my select filter option, was hoping to get some insight on this or be pointed in the right direction. Thank you.
I would like to bump this as I am having the same issue and cannot figure out a solution after days of searching this site and others.