fnDestroy don't clean styles on scrollY enabled table

fnDestroy don't clean styles on scrollY enabled table

filipizfilipiz Posts: 5Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited November 2010 in Bug reports

With the following settings, the table is initialized as expected.
var settings = {
sDom: 't',
bPaginate: false,
//bDestroy : true,
sScrollY: '250px',
fnRowCallback: function (){...},
aoColumnDefs: [{
sWidth: '45px',
aTargets: [1, 2]
}, {
bSortable: false,
aTargets: [0]

this.dataTable = $('#wizard-net_elements-table').dataTable(settings);

But when I call fnDestroy method, the header stays "hidden" - width:0px, height:0px ...
It also removes the header's s contents.

If I try to init the table again, but it comes "without header".
Actually the header is there at the DOM, but the don't have content, so it stays hidden.

I didn't checked if the problem happens without the scrollY attribute. But I think this can be related to the problem.
This discussion has been closed.