Getting error but data looks correct
Getting error but data looks correct

I am getting the following error message;
DataTables warning: table id=Orders - Requested unknown parameter 'suppliers.SupplierName' for row 0.
However the data looks correct as follows
"data": [{
"DT_RowId": "row_2387",
"orders": {
"business_unit": "Borough Market",
"OrderDate": "14/04/2016",
"SupplierName": "Beillevaire UK Ltd",
"Sum_ODAmount": "123.92",
"orderInvoiceNumber": "160400458",
"orderInvoiceAmount": "123.92",
"orderInvoiceVAT": "0"
}, {
"DT_RowId": "row_2389",
"orders": {
"business_unit": "Borough Market",
"OrderDate": "14/04/2016",
"SupplierName": "Bread Ahead",
"Sum_ODAmount": "400",
"orderInvoiceNumber": "BO31036",
"orderInvoiceAmount": "400",
"orderInvoiceVAT": "0"
}, {
"DT_RowId": "row_2390",
"orders": {
"business_unit": "Borough Market",
"OrderDate": "14/04/2016",
"SupplierName": "Flour Power",
"Sum_ODAmount": "44",
"orderInvoiceNumber": "00099851",
"orderInvoiceAmount": "44",
"orderInvoiceVAT": "0"
}, {
"DT_RowId": "row_2386",
"orders": {
"business_unit": "Borough Market",
"OrderDate": "14/04/2016",
"SupplierName": "Gourmet Supplies Limited",
"Sum_ODAmount": "123.99",
"orderInvoiceNumber": "41837",
"orderInvoiceAmount": "123.99",
"orderInvoiceVAT": "0"
}, {
"DT_RowId": "row_2388",
"orders": {
"business_unit": "Borough Market",
"OrderDate": "14/04/2016",
"SupplierName": "The Celtic Bakers Ltd",
"Sum_ODAmount": "18.4",
"orderInvoiceNumber": "0000187537",
"orderInvoiceAmount": "18.4",
"orderInvoiceVAT": "0"
}, {
"DT_RowId": "row_2383",
"orders": {
"business_unit": "Warehouse",
"OrderDate": "11/04/2016",
"SupplierName": "DONOVAN BROS. LTD",
"Sum_ODAmount": "109.11",
"orderInvoiceNumber": null,
"orderInvoiceAmount": "0",
"orderInvoiceVAT": "0"
}, {
"DT_RowId": "row_2381",
"orders": {
"business_unit": "Camden Town",
"OrderDate": "10/04/2016",
"SupplierName": "Paella Amigo Ltd TA Amigo Food Group",
"Sum_ODAmount": "71.85",
"orderInvoiceNumber": null,
"orderInvoiceAmount": "0",
"orderInvoiceVAT": "0"
}, {
"DT_RowId": "row_2382",
"orders": {
"business_unit": "Warehouse",
"OrderDate": "10/04/2016",
"SupplierName": "BRAKES - Beverages & Consumables",
"Sum_ODAmount": "150.94",
"orderInvoiceNumber": "62076342",
"orderInvoiceAmount": "150.93",
"orderInvoiceVAT": "17.57"
}, {
"DT_RowId": "row_2379",
"orders": {
"business_unit": "Warehouse",
"OrderDate": "10/04/2016",
"SupplierName": "INTLExpenses",
"Sum_ODAmount": "1477.06",
"orderInvoiceNumber": "WARE02379",
"orderInvoiceAmount": "1477.06",
"orderInvoiceVAT": "178.43"
}, {
"DT_RowId": "row_2378",
"orders": {
"business_unit": "Warehouse",
"OrderDate": "10/04/2016",
"SupplierName": "Paella Amigo Ltd TA Amigo Food Group",
"Sum_ODAmount": "95.8",
"orderInvoiceNumber": null,
"orderInvoiceAmount": "0",
"orderInvoiceVAT": "0"
}, {
"DT_RowId": "row_2376",
"orders": {
"business_unit": "Borough Market",
"OrderDate": "09/04/2016",
"SupplierName": "Grovers of Borough Marrket Ltd",
"Sum_ODAmount": "53",
"orderInvoiceNumber": "9222",
"orderInvoiceAmount": "53",
"orderInvoiceVAT": "0"
}, {
"DT_RowId": "row_2375",
"orders": {
"business_unit": "Borough Market",
"OrderDate": "09/04/2016",
"SupplierName": "The Celtic Bakers Ltd",
"Sum_ODAmount": "69",
"orderInvoiceNumber": "0000187074",
"orderInvoiceAmount": "69",
"orderInvoiceVAT": "0"
}, {
"DT_RowId": "row_2373",
"orders": {
"business_unit": "Borough Market",
"OrderDate": "08/04/2016",
"SupplierName": "The Celtic Bakers Ltd",
"Sum_ODAmount": "18.4",
"orderInvoiceNumber": "0000186999",
"orderInvoiceAmount": "18.4",
"orderInvoiceVAT": "0"
}, {
"DT_RowId": "row_2374",
"orders": {
"business_unit": "Camden Town",
"OrderDate": "08/04/2016",
"SupplierName": "D.Jansen (UK) LTD.",
"Sum_ODAmount": "84",
"orderInvoiceNumber": "025",
"orderInvoiceAmount": "84",
"orderInvoiceVAT": "0"
}, {
"DT_RowId": "row_2368",
"orders": {
"business_unit": "Borough Market",
"OrderDate": "07/04/2016",
"SupplierName": "Flour Power",
"Sum_ODAmount": "44",
"orderInvoiceNumber": "00099535",
"orderInvoiceAmount": "44",
"orderInvoiceVAT": "0"
}, {
"DT_RowId": "row_2367",
"orders": {
"business_unit": "Borough Market",
"OrderDate": "07/04/2016",
"SupplierName": "JetFreeze",
"Sum_ODAmount": "638.18",
"orderInvoiceNumber": "201603180",
"orderInvoiceAmount": "636.18",
"orderInvoiceVAT": "0"
"options": []
here's the output I am getting;
OrderDate: SupplierName: InvoiceNumber: InvoiceAmount: InvoiceVAT: Business Unit: Order Amnt:
15/04/2016 84 0
14/04/2016 160400458 123.92 0
14/04/2016 BO31036 400 0
14/04/2016 00099851 44 0
14/04/2016 41837 123.99 0
14/04/2016 0000187537 18.4 0
11/04/2016 0 0
10/04/2016 11732 71.85 0
10/04/2016 62076342 150.93 17.57
10/04/2016 WARE02379 1477.06 178.43
Showing 1 to 10 of 1,426 entries Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … 143 Next
Here's the JQuery
$(document).ready(function() {
editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
ajax: {
//url: "suppliers.php",
url: "fetchorders.asp",
type: "POST",
table: "#Orders",
fields: [ {
label: "Order Date:",
name: "orders.OrderDate",
type: "date"
}, {
label: "Supplier name:",
name: "suppliers.SupplierName"
}, {
label: "Invoice No:",
name: "orders.orderInvoiceNumber"
}, {
label: "Invoice Amnt:",
name: "orders.orderInvoiceAmount"
}, {
label: "Invoice VAT:",
name: "orders.orderInvoiceVAT"
}, {
label: "Business Unit:",
name: "business_units.business_unit"
}, {
label: "Order Amnt:",
name: "Sum_ODAmount"
} );
var table = $('#Orders').DataTable( {
dom: "Tfrtip",
ajax: {
//url: "suppliers.php",
url: "fetchorders.asp?action=get&iDisplayLength=all",
type: "POST",
columns: [
//{ data: null, defaultContent: 'staffHours.staffHoursID', orderable: false },
{ data: "orders.OrderDate" },
{ data: "suppliers.SupplierName" },
{ data: "orders.orderInvoiceNumber" },
{ data: "orders.orderInvoiceAmount" },
{ data: "orders.orderInvoiceVAT" },
{ data: "business_units.business_unit" },
{ data: "Sum_ODAmount" }
order: [ 1, 'desc' ],
tableTools: {
sRowSelect: "os",
sRowSelector: 'td:first-child',
aButtons: [
{ sExtends: "editor_create", editor: editor },
{ sExtends: "editor_edit", editor: editor }
//{ sExtends: "editor_remove", editor: editor }
} );
} );
Any ideas?
Edited - Syntax highlighting. Markdown details can be found in this guide.
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Hi Pete,
The error looks like it is correct - there is no
object in the objects loaded (I've formatted the code making it a bit easier to see).How are you creating that JSON?
This is my first attempt at using multiple tables as inut to a DataTable, and maybe that's where I'm going wrong, as the inputs from the Orders Table are showing but not the other tables.
This a Classic ASP implementation and I use VBScript to generate the JSON input as follows
Is there something special I need in the input to specify it's from a different table. As you can see I'm generating the data .
Regards and thanks
Hi Pete,
I'm afraid I can't help with the ASP aspect, but in order to use the DataTables configuration you've specified above, the returned row objects would need to contain and
object withOrderDate
property (which you have),suppliers
object withbusiness_unit
property and aSum_ODAmount
property (none of which you have).Having said that, your JSON object appears to contain all the information you need, just under the
object. So if you update
options to reference the data that is being returned, it should work as expected.Allan
So for example, I'd need something like;
If you used the
options as you had it, yes,Allan
As the SQL could come in with columns in any order e.g. orders.OrderDate, business_units.business_unit, orders.orderInvoiceVAT etc. do I need to re-arrange them or is it ok to end up with
The order of the parameters in an object is irrelevant. That's one of the major advantages of using objects over arrays!
Sorry, my point was that there might be a reference to one table then another then the first again so I would end up with the above code. I suppose I could sort the fields by table name first, but wondered if the above would be ok having two or more references to Orders for example.
Oh I see - yes. I've just formatted the JSON and it makes the issue clearer.
You are correct, you can't have the same key in an object twice or more. It needs to be unique. My understanding is that it is undefined what the Javascript engine will do when it finds a second key that already exists. V8 uses the new one. Some others might keep the original. None will combine them.
I managed to solve this with your help. Many thanks