date range filter

date range filter

Richard1892Richard1892 Posts: 2Questions: 2Answers: 0
edited April 2016 in Free community support


I have a datatable which is being populated and displayed as I wish. There is a date column that I could like to apply a date range filter to. There are two controls on my HTML page that I have given id's to and added the datepicker jquery to . I've looked at the code example given here but when I run the code a and change the date on the control I see an error that oTable.draw() is not a function.

I'm using datatables 1.10.11 and I've set my table up using the following code

var statementTable = $('#statementTable').DataTable({....});

The on change event is being trigger with this line

$('#startdatepicker').change(function () { statementTable.draw(); });

When this line executes I see the error in the console statementTable.draw() is not a function.

Can anyone offer any pointers please?

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