html select in column cause loose session

html select in column cause loose session

PatPat Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited April 2016 in Free community support

Hi, i use datatable with ajax data and column with a select option box.
When i have a large data (more than 50) i loose my session variable (datatable 1.10.11).
No error in the navigator.
No problem if i remove the colomn with select option.
A idea?
Code here :

$(document).ready( function ($) { $('#tableNotice').dataTable( { 'sDom': 'W<\"clear\">lfrtip', stateSave:false,'paging': false, 'searching': true, 'scrollCollapse': false, 'oColumnFilterWidgets': {'aiExclude': [0,1,3]}, 'columnDefs': [ {'targets': [ 0 ], 'visible': false},{ 'type': 'html' },{ 'type': 'string' },{ 'type': 'html' }], 'data': [ ['4432','blabla','Confidentiel','Validée'], ['4186','blabla','Confidentiel','ValidéeA validerRefusée'], ... ], 'columns':[ { 'title': 'id'}, { 'title': 'Titre' }, { 'title': 'Confidentialité' , 'width': '50px' }, { 'title': 'Statut' , 'width': '50px' }] }); });


  • PatPat Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

    Sorry, i can't edit my post. Here the good code :

    $(document).ready( function ($) { $('#tableNotice').dataTable( { 'sDom': 'W<\"clear\">lfrtip', stateSave:false,'paging': false, 'searching': true, 'scrollCollapse': false, 'oColumnFilterWidgets': {'aiExclude': [0,1,3]}, 'columnDefs': [ {'targets': [ 0 ], 'visible': false},{ 'type': 'html' },{ 'type': 'string' },{ 'type': 'html' }], 'data': [ ['4432','blabla','Confidentiel','Validée'], ['4186','blabla','Confidentiel','ValidéeA validerRefusée'], ... ], 'columns':[ { 'title': 'id'}, { 'title': 'Titre' }, { 'title': 'Confidentialité' , 'width': '50px' }, { 'title': 'Statut' , 'width': '50px' }] }); });
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