Inline row edit not working
Inline row edit not working

I'm trying to implement the in line row edit when double click on the row happens. I've followed this tutorial:
When I double click the row, the in line editor shows but when I confirm (pressing ENTER button) the value comes back as it was before editing. And in Console I see the following message: dataTables.editor.js?version=v5:567 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined
You can try by yourself going here:
1) From the "Prodotto" select box choose one item.
2) You'll see tha datatable populates with a new row
3) Try to double click on the row and you'll be able to reproduce the issue
Thanks very much for your help
I'm afraid I'm failing at step 1. Do I need to choose a specific item? I've tried a number of them but the DataTable at the bottom of the page is always empty.
Hi Allan,
You're right, in the meantime I tried and tried and changed my mind. I no more wanna be able to do inline editing.
I'm facing a different issue in the meantime, related to Datatable:
try just to click the button: "Aggiungi prodotto come nuova riga". This - as you can see from source - would add a new row to the DataTable. But, as you'll see, an error message box will appear. Can you be so kind to help me with this?
When I click that button it adds the following object for the row:
As you can see it doesn't define the other values for the columns you've defined. Hence the error you are setting - DataTables cannot find the properties it needs.