IPAD - getting selected row to work
IPAD - getting selected row to work

Is there something special that I have to do when using a datatable on an ipad? I have several data tables that work fine on pc in the browser using firefox, chrome and ie . However on the ipad neither safari or firefox works
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No thee should be no special configuration for an iPad. It is specifically row selection that you are having an issue with? I've just tried this example on an iPhone and it appears to work as expected (don't have an iPad I'm afraid, but the iPhone should basically be the same).
It worked after adding
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.datatables.net/t/dt/dt-1.10.11,se-1.1.2/datatables.min.css" />
I'm not for sure which one I've messed up in my BundleConfig.cs but I can at least continue forward now that I know the dataTable selection works on the devices that my technicians will have(IPAD)
I already had the selected set as true
Thanks for posting back. Good to hear you have it working now.