How to pass one cell value as parameter to ajax call in makeeditable
How to pass one cell value as parameter to ajax call in makeeditable
I have hard time figuring out to do a simple ajax call using datatable. I would have to send a second column cell value as a parameter to ajax call while editing the third column cell. I'm using makeeditable and in that aoColumns{mDataProp, loadurl, loaddata}. In loaddata I need to get the second column cell's value. It would be really helpful, if you could help me achieve this. Thanks so much in advance. My code snippet as follows
...}).makeEditable({ ...
aoColumns: [
{ mDataProp: 'QBT', type: 'select', loadurl: baseUrl + "/api/contractapi/ContractJsonList", loadtype: 'GET', onblur: 'submit', cssclass: "required" }, null,
{ mDataProp: 'BinGradeType', type: 'select', loadurl: baseUrl + "/api/bingradetypeapi/BinGradeTypeListByGrainType/" + "here to pass 2nd column's cell value"
loaddata: { 'id': $('#test').val() }, loadtype: 'GET', onblur: 'submit',}