Datatable+Scroller, empty rows on display & wrong row count, when reducing table body height

Datatable+Scroller, empty rows on display & wrong row count, when reducing table body height

GeHGeH Posts: 6Questions: 2Answers: 0

...and small scroller.displayBuffer=2, and want to retain the same first visible row
-> certainly important, because I switch between 3 visible lines and 14, and I didn't noticed this problem before reducing the displayBuffer.

The height siwtch is done throught a winow.resize event handler, which re-compute the wanted datable body height (please note, this it entirely outside this question : it may be helpfull to have a function to set & modify the wanted "full datatable" height : eg, I have XXXpx to display the buttons+search+datatable(header+body+footer)+bottom infos+ ?other datable features?)

I'm using the latest release :


on window.resize, I update the datatable body height, to fit correctly the window height :

$(MY_TABLE+' .dataTables_scrollBody').css( 'height', THE_NEW_HEIGHT);
var dt = $(MY_TABLE+'_table').DataTable({bRetrieve:true});
dt.scroller.measure(); // without this, maximizing shows empty rows
dt.draw("page"); // I want that the table still displays the currently visible first line

This way :
- when the allowed height grows => no problem
- when you start with full height, then scroll a little, then reduce the allowed height => the problem appears

"full-hold" didn't work either, and it's not that I really needs (the datatable's data didn't change).

I can provides a test case, but not immediately.



  • GeHGeH Posts: 6Questions: 2Answers: 0


    Here is a jsfiddle wich partially shows the bug :
    I cannot reproduce the pagination information problem, only the missing rows.

    Expected result : rows 7 to 9 should be visible, and the pagination should reflect that.

    Test results are a little different across browsers :

    firefox 47 :
    * rows 7 & 8 are visible, but not 9
    * pagination information = ok for me : "Showing 7 to 10 of 101 entries"

    chrome 51.0.2704.84 :
    * no row visible
    * pagination information = ok for me : "Showing 7 to 9 of 101 entries"


  • GeHGeH Posts: 6Questions: 2Answers: 0

    Am I the only one with this bug? Implying something wrong in my code?
    Or this is not a priority?

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