Using an object equal to an array of object to populate a DataTable.

Using an object equal to an array of object to populate a DataTable.

Johnathan501Johnathan501 Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 1


I have an object declared and used like the following and a Datatable like the following:

                          <div class="table-responsive">
                            <table class="table table-striped  table-condensed table-bordered" id="mainSutable2" style="width: 100%">
                                  <th>Comment Time</th>

var mainSutable2 =$('#mainSutable2').DataTable({
        paging:   false,
        ordering: true,
        info:     true,
            sProcessing: 'No Data To Display',  //change language of default "Processing" dialogue
            sSearch: 'Filter'
        data: trackingNotes,
        columns: [
            { data: "ID" },
            { data: "comment" },
            { data: "dt" },
            { data: "status"}

var trackingNotes = {};
trackingNotes = mainSutable.row(this).data().tracking_notes;

//tracikingNotes equals the following
Object {tracking_note: Array[2]}
tracking_note: Array[2]
ID: "12345"
comment: "yo"
dt: "2016-06-06 12:50:46.0"
guid: "9999"
status: "1"
ID: "12346"
comment: "hey"
dt: "2016-06-08 12:50:46.0"
guid: "9999"
status: "2"

Anyone have any advise on how I can get this to properly populate the DataTable?

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