DataTable RowReorder : Table reset after drop.

DataTable RowReorder : Table reset after drop.

satshilsatshil Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0



jQuery JavaScript Library v1.12.3
DataTables 1.10.12
RowReorder 1.1.2

I setup my datatable with following settings

ajaxObj = new Object();

rowReorder = {
selector: 'tr',
dataSrc: 1

DataTable( {
"paginationType": "full_numbers",
"sortCellsTop": true,
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": ajaxObj,
"rowId": 0,
"rowReorder": rowReorder})

Ajax Data:


][D]"],[2,2,"home","Page","led","home","[V][E][D]"],[3,3,"home 2","Page","electrical","home","[V][E]
[D]"],[4,4,"home 3","Page","electrical","home","[V][E][D]"],[7,7,"Products","Page Group","electrical"
,"electrical products","[V][E][D]"]]}


everything works fine till datatable.rowReorder.js line no. 537

dt.draw( false );

As soon as this is executed the table gets reverted to default values. I am clueless what's causing the problem.

Solutions applied:

I try to disable the line 537 but that results in two errors.
1. It throws ret.push not a function on drag start.
2. It stop triggering the events "row-reorder" which is required for server update.

Is there any possible solution available.

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