How to sort column when you click on sorting icons(Up/Down arrows)..?

How to sort column when you click on sorting icons(Up/Down arrows)..?

vijaykumarvemulavijaykumarvemula Posts: 7Questions: 4Answers: 0
edited June 2016 in Free community support

I am using Jquery datatable. Sorting is done when you click on entire header. But i want to sort only when we click on sort icon end of the header(up/down arrows). how can we achieve this..? I tried like this but it not working for me..

var contactTable = j$('[id$="safetyContractTables"]').DataTable({
"aaSorting": [],
"bInfo": false,
"bSort":{!if(isEditMode, "false","true")},
"bstateSave": true,

            j$('.filter').on('click', function(){

each header added filter class like <th class="filter"></th>.

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