Join to different database?
Join to different database?

How can I join across to another databases?
I want to display the part_no, but the id is stored in this database (restricted_products table).
My Products table is in another database and contains the product details including id and part_no.
So, my restricted_products tables just contains:
part_no, linked_part_no
Both of these columns are ids but I want the Datatable to display part_nos.
The part_nos are stored in another db, in the Products table:
id, part_no
1, WH CP10
I don't need to edit the records, I have my own code to create and just need a delete button on the actual table.
table: "#generic_table",
idSrc: '',
fields: [{
label: 'Product Code:',
name: 'part_no'},{
label: 'Linked Product:',
name: 'linked_part_no'}
//setup the Datatable
table = $('#generic_table').DataTable({ //took the var off to intentionally make it global
"ajax": {
"url": "/restricted_productsAjax",
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': '8zu0zDnxNrVBvbjifWUVgf0V7cqCq7h27hDpFsYv'
"type": "POST",
"data": function(d){
d.table = "restricted_products";
"columns": [
data: null,
defaultContent: '',
className: 'select-checkbox',
orderable: false
{ 'data': 'part_no'},
{ 'data': 'linked_part_no'},
order: [1, 'asc'],
dom: "Bfrtip",
responsive: false,//true wont let me hide columns
"scrollY": "600px",
"scrollCollapse": true,
"paging": false,
select: {
style: 'single',
selector: 'td:first-child',
blurable: true
buttons: [[
{ extend: 'remove', editor: editor } ]
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
In order to join multiple tables you would just need to specify the database as well as the table name in
Your left join would also have to reflect db1 and db2. You can read more using the documenation