Server-side delete row
Server-side delete row
I am using DataTables for displaying information in the back end of my website. One of the uses is to display the pages I have on my site. I need to be able to delete the pages from the database and the table. I tried to use the built in delete function, but after searching the forum realized it only works for a static table. I was wondering how to delete the row from the table while also deleting it from the database. Whatever function I need for deleting it, I also need to be able to pass the 'id' of the page through to mysql so it can delete the row.
Thank you ahead of time for any help,
Key Roche'
I am using DataTables for displaying information in the back end of my website. One of the uses is to display the pages I have on my site. I need to be able to delete the pages from the database and the table. I tried to use the built in delete function, but after searching the forum realized it only works for a static table. I was wondering how to delete the row from the table while also deleting it from the database. Whatever function I need for deleting it, I also need to be able to pass the 'id' of the page through to mysql so it can delete the row.
Thank you ahead of time for any help,
Key Roche'
This discussion has been closed.
How can we achieve this?
Any hint will be appreciated.
Thank you
1. Have the DB row ID as an ID on the TR row (for example ). The easiest way of doing this is with DT_RowId:
2. From there it is trivial to get the row id and Ajax send it to the server which will do a DELETE FROM 'table' WHERE id = _POST['id'];
3. In the 'success' handler for the delete Ajax call just call fnDraw which will redraw the table, minus the deleted row (since it is no longer on the server).
I am using razor (cshtml)
I am also using some 3rd party modal dialog. So u can ignore all those $.msg or $.wl_Alert
$(document).ready(function () {
var ModuleID = getParam('MM');
var MMName = "IN";
var RowID = "";
var ColumnID = "";
var oTable = $('#tModuleListing').dataTable({
"iDisplayLength": 25, // Default No of Records per page on 1st load
"aLengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, 100, -1], [10, 25, 50, 100, "All"]], // Set no of records in per page
//"aaSorting": [[0, "asc"]], // Default 1st column sorting
"aoColumnDefs": [{ "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [0] }, { "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [1] },
{ "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [2]}], // Hide Column
"bStateSave": true, // Remember paging & filters
"bDeferRender": true, // Delay loading of DOM
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"bPaginate": false, // Disable pagination, showing full records.
"bInfo": false,
"bFilter": false,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers", // Include page number
"sAjaxSource": 'Ajax_Functions/ModuleDetailListingSelect.cshtml?MMName=' + MMName + '&ModuleID=' + ModuleID,
"aoColumns": [
{ "mDataProp": "ModuleDetailID" }, { "mDataProp": "ItemID" }, { "mDataProp": "ItemAltID" },
{ "mDataProp": "ItemDescription" }, { "mDataProp": "ItemQty" }, { "mDataProp": "UnitPrice" },
{ "mDataProp": "LineDiscount" }, { "mDataProp": "LineGST" }, { "mDataProp": "LineAmt" }
"fnDrawCallback": function () {
$("#tModuleListing tbody tr").click(function () {
var position = oTable.fnGetPosition(this); // getting the clicked row position
RowID = oTable.fnGetData(position); // getting the value of the first (invisible) column
sessionStorage.setItem("ModuleDetailID", RowID.ModuleDetailID); // HTML 5 Session Storage;
oTable.$('td').click(function () {
var sData = oTable.fnGetPosition(this);
ColumnID = (sData.toString()).substring(4);
sDeleteRowButtonId: "btnDeleteItem",
fnOnDeleting: function () {
$.confirm("Do you want to Delete Item " + RowID.ItemDescription + "?", function () {
$.msg("Processing - Deleting Item " + RowID.ItemDescription, { header: 'Deleting Item' });
type: 'POST',
data: { "MMName": "IN", "ModuleID": $('#txtModuleID').val(), "ModuleDetailID": RowID.ModuleDetailID, "mAcc": "4",
"mAccType": "6" },
dataType: 'json',
url: 'Ajax_Functions/ModulesItemsDeleteFunctions.cshtml',
success: function (data) {
if (data == "Denied") {
$.msg('No Access Rights to delete!', { header: 'Access Denied!' });
$.wl_Alert('No Access Rights to delete!', 'warning', '#content');
else {
var oTable = $('#tModuleListing').dataTable();
$("#txtDiscount").attr("value", data.LineDiscount.toFixed(2));
$("#txtGST").attr("value", data.BCGST.toFixed(2));
$("#txtAmount").attr("value", data.BCAmount.toFixed(2));
$("#txtSubTotal").attr("value", data.BCSubTotal.toFixed(2));
$("#txtBalance").attr("value", data.Balance.toFixed(2));
$("#txtAmtRecd").attr("value", data.AmtRecd.toFixed(2));
$.msg("Item - " + RowID.ItemDescription + " Deleted!", { header: 'Success!' });
$.wl_Alert("Item - " + RowID.ItemDescription + " Deleted!", 'success', '#content');
error: function () {
$.wl_Alert('Failed to Delete item', 'warning', '#content'); $.msg(id, { header: 'Deleting Item' });
return false;
"aoColumns": [ null, null, null, null, null, null ] // Disable all the inline editable
}); // tModuleListing - Items Detail Datatable -- END
This is my ModulesItemsDeleteFunctions.cshtml codes.
var ModuleID = Request["ModuleID"];
var ModuleDetailID = Request["ModuleDetailID"];
var MMName = Request["MMName"];
var Acc = Request["mAcc"];
var AccType = Request["mAccType"];
// Find the correct data
var SQLDelete = "";
var db = Database.Open("xxxConnectionString");
// Check Access Rights
var varSQLAccessRightsSelect = "SELECT * FROM qryModuleAccessListing WHERE ModuleID = @1 AND PositionID = @0";
var varSQLAccessRights = db.QuerySingle(varSQLAccessRightsSelect, int.Parse(Request.Cookies["UserInfo"]["sPID"]), int.Parse(Acc));
bool Access = false;
switch (AccType)
case "1":
Access = varSQLAccessRights.ModuleAdd;
case "2":
Access = varSQLAccessRights.ModuleEdit;
case "3":
Access = varSQLAccessRights.ModuleVoid;
case "4":
Access = varSQLAccessRights.ModulePrint;
case "5":
Access = varSQLAccessRights.ModuleRead;
case "6":
Access = varSQLAccessRights.ModuleDelete;
if (Access == false)
Json.Write("Denied", Response.Output);
switch (MMName)
case "IN":
SQLDelete = "DELETE FROM mInvoiceDetail WHERE ModuleDetailID=@0";
db.Execute(SQLDelete, ModuleDetailID);
var SQLResult = "SELECT BCAmount, Balance, BCSubTotal, BCGST, AmtRecd, LineDiscount FROM qryInvoiceListing WHERE ModuleID = @0";
var Data = db.QuerySingle(SQLResult, ModuleID);
Json.Write(Data, Response.Output);
case "PU":
SQLDelete = "DELETE FROM mPurchaseDetail WHERE ModuleDetailID=@0";
db.Execute(SQLDelete, ModuleDetailID);
SQLResult = "SELECT BCAmount, Balance, BCSubTotal, BCGST, AmtPaid, LineDiscount FROM qryPurchaseListing WHERE ModuleID = @0";
Data = db.QuerySingle(SQLResult, ModuleID);
Json.Write(Data, Response.Output);
Hope it helps.