I cant get any data from Ajax with Json

I cant get any data from Ajax with Json

karel89karel89 Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited June 2016 in Free community support

My PHP code is:

    $objEgresados=new Egresados;
    $jsondata = array();
        while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) 
            $jsondata[] = array('cuenta'=> $cuenta, 'nombre'=> $nombre, 'apellido'=> $apellido, 'tel1'=> $tel1, 'tel2'=> $tel2, 'email'=> $email, 'carrera'=> $carrera, 'campus'=> $campus);
    $json_string = json_encode($jsondata);
    echo $json_string;

and to call this I use this in the table:

$(document).ready(function() {  

    $('#dataTables-example').DataTable( {
            { title: "cuenta" },
            { title: "nombre" },
            { title: "apellido" },          
            { title: "tel1" },
            { title: "tel2" },
            { title: "email" },
            { title: "carrera" },
            { title: "campus" },
            { data: "campus" }

I get the table columns but the data I only get "Loading"


  • Tom (DataTables)Tom (DataTables) Posts: 139Questions: 0Answers: 26

    Firstly you are setting the data option to use a string, you should be using the ajax option as this will actually retrieve the data for you.

    On the serverside you are using a flat array of objects, datatables expects any JSON to be returned from the server wrapped in a data: object. There are two ways to fix this, either add your $jsondata inside a the data: object like so,

        $json_string = json_encode(array("data" => $jsondata));
        echo $json_string;

    or just point ajax.dataSrc to be an empty string



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