className is not working

className is not working

kittu.rajanalakittu.rajanala Posts: 4Questions: 1Answers: 0

I have written like below
buttons: [{
extend: 'colvis',
text: 'Column Visibility',
className: 'dt-button-collection-custom',
columns: ':not(:first-child)',

but it doesn't take the className,actually my requirement is i want to add the scrollbar for column Visibility button that's why i am adding custom className but it is not taking tha classNmae

please help me how to do this

Krishna chaitanaya


  • deliatordeliator Posts: 95Questions: 1Answers: 0

    Hello Krishna,

    Are your dt-button-collection-custom stored in an external css file ?
    I do the same things and it works.


  • kittu.rajanalakittu.rajanala Posts: 4Questions: 1Answers: 0

    yes I written in external css file like this

    div.dt-button-collection-custom {
    overflow-y: scroll;

    but it is not working if it is working for you can u explain with example

  • deliatordeliator Posts: 95Questions: 1Answers: 0

    for example, i have in an external css file : .

    widthFix {
         width: 165px;

    and in my datatables

    {   extend: 'pdf', 
                        text: '<i class="fa fa-print" aria-hidden="true"></i> Print',
                        title: jsVar, 
                        filename: jsVar, 
                        className: 'btn btn-default widthFix',
                        titleAttr: 'Export filename (.pdf)',
                        exportOptions: { columns: ':visible'},
                        orientation: 'portrait' 
  • kittu.rajanalakittu.rajanala Posts: 4Questions: 1Answers: 0

    I tried by giving adding width ,overflow:scroll,max-height in my own css file and i mentioned that class like below

                                extend: 'colvis',
                                className: 'dt-button-collection hello',
                                text: 'Column Visibility',
                                columns: ':not(:first-child)'

    it is applying to button , but I want it to column visibility div where we are showing column names.

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