How to hide label value of Input Search??

How to hide label value of Input Search?? Posts: 23Questions: 7Answers: 3

Hi all,

I would like to hide label value of search input and just and leave alone seach input with placeholder value. I attach an image where mark what i would like to hide...

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  • allanallan Posts: 62,301Questions: 1Answers: 10,216 Site admin

    Use set to be an empty string.


  • Posts: 23Questions: 7Answers: 3

    Still text there...

  • allanallan Posts: 62,301Questions: 1Answers: 10,216 Site admin

    Seems to work for me.

    Can you link to a page showing the issue please.


  • Posts: 23Questions: 7Answers: 3

    Hi @allan , thanks for the feedback.

    I sow what is happening, the fact is we use internationalization througt "url" property, when is defined that property then the "search" not take effect, i have defined our code as follow:

     language: {
                url: '',
                search: ' ',
                searchPlaceholder: "Buscar..."

    If i remove the "url" property then it function correctly, but we need the "url" property...

    I attach an image of your example with "url" property and you can see what is happen.

    How to manage this??.
    Best regards.

  • allanallan Posts: 62,301Questions: 1Answers: 10,216 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    Ah - the options loaded via the language.url option will take precedence over the local options. So currently the only way to fix this is to not define the search option in your JSON file (obviously you'd need to a take a copy off the CDN so you can modify it in this case).

    This is a known issue and one I plan to correct in future.


  • Posts: 23Questions: 7Answers: 3

    Ahaha thanks very much. Best regards and congratulation for the great job.

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