How to add rows when using Select and Expansion

How to add rows when using Select and Expansion

mithilwanemithilwane Posts: 3Questions: 2Answers: 0


We need to add a row to the DataTable which uses a select extension and also a expansion column.

When i try to add a row it does not let me add and gives me a error "Requesed Unknown Parameter" for the first column which is the select checkbox.

Below are the selection and expansion columnDef's
`this.selectionDef = {
orderable: false,
searchable: false,
className: 'select-checkbox',
targets: 0

this.expansionDef = {
className: 'control',
orderable: false,
defaultContent : '',
targets: 1


This is how we are loading the datatable

var table = $(tableIdCurrent).DataTable({ serverSide: getDataTableObject(tableIdCurrent).dtLoadingMethod, sPaginationType: "full_numbers", paging:true, searching:false, pageLength : getDataTableObject(tableIdCurrent).dtPageLength, lengthMenu: getDataTableObject(tableIdCurrent).dtPageLengthOption, columns: getDataTableObject(tableIdCurrent).columnDef, order: [[ getDataTableObject(tableIdCurrent).defaultColumn, "asc" ]], columnDefs: [ getDataTableObject(tableIdCurrent).selectionDef, getDataTableObject(tableIdCurrent).expansionDef, getDataTableObject(tableIdCurrent).orderDef ], select: getDataTableObject(tableIdCurrent).selectionModeDef, rowId: getDataTableObject(tableIdCurrent).rowid, ajax: { url:getDataTableObject(tableIdCurrent).dtURL, type: "POST", data:function(d) { var table = $(tableIdCurrent).DataTable() = (table != undefined)? d.size = (table != undefined)? d.sort = d.columns[d.order[0].column].data + ',' + d.order[0].dir = getDataTableObject(tableIdCurrent).searchVal d.searchCol = getDataTableObject(tableIdCurrent).searchCol } }, bRetrieve: true });

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