A good set of multiple examples of 'Custom Filtering' request/help.

A good set of multiple examples of 'Custom Filtering' request/help.

N00byN00by Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0


I'd very much appreciate your help with 'Custom Filtering' outside of the table, as I want to be able to give website visitors a set of different filters to help get the results they need....

I noticed you have the 'Custom Filtering' where you search from a min & max value, which is great, but need to extend offer more than just this....

I was also looking for details how I would go about using multiple options e.g.

Select: (Show only rows that contains)
Apples [selected]
Oranges [selected]

Bananas [not selected]

So a user can click Apples & Bananas and it will only show apples and bananas rows and exclude oranges (as it wasn't selected)

(Not a cobination of both e.g. Search for apples, then only show apples where bananas is also true, that would be wrong) - It's primary result is to show individual Bananas and Apples rows.

And lastly it would be a case of a 'switch' approach where it only shows one or the other (so type could be defined in column 4 for example)

Type to show:
Fruit [button]
Vegetables [button]
All [button - default]

(select one or other)

so that would work as a toggle.

I imagine something like Select2 > Would handle the visual rendering, but I would just need to code examples on how to do this please, I'm sure your application can do it, just lacking the code to implement.


  • N00byN00by Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

    So for example the image has extensive filtering, which is what I'd like to achieve, I mean the majority of it is stylised selects/Inputs etc.

    So if you could provide some example code of using such elements, I'm sure I could apply the rest. :)

  • N00byN00by Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

    This should help visualise what I meant by show rows (wher ei mention apples, oranges bananas) -where it shows rows as an OR not and AND.


    Perhaps I could use this solution with a mix of Datatables, but now you can visually see what I'm after, i hope you can show me how it can be achieved with your plugin?

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